The 100 is a show about a group of 100 juvenile delinquents sent to Earth as part of an experiment. They are dropped off at random locations around the world and must learn how to survive on their new planet.
The learn to read in 100 easy lessons pdf is a book that teaches children how to read. It has 46 chapters, each with an illustration and text that explains the concept of reading.
It takes a long time to learn to read. It starts long before your kid can talk and lasts for many years after they have read their first word. Here’s a brief rundown of the fundamentals.
The very first novels

First books aren’t so much about learning to read as they are about comprehending what’s on the pages. They’re about getting to know the idea of reading and how we utilize books, which we take for granted as adults. Reading from left to right and top to bottom, with the understanding that the words create a narrative and the images are connected to the words. Before learning to read, several concepts must be acknowledged. It’s just a short step from there to being able to read them after they’ve understood the ideas of print.
Early confidence in reading provides a kid with one of the most essential abilities they will ever possess. It also promotes autonomous play, since a kid who loves reading will always have something to do on their own.
There are a lot of first novels out there. The subject isn’t as essential at this point as spending time with your kid looking at books and discussing what occurs when you read. Begin from the front, pointing out the author and discussing the title and how it connects to the cover image. Repeat this process on each page, using your finger to demonstrate how the noises you’re making connect to what you’re looking at, and how the narrative or sequence always goes from left to right. Put forth the effort now, and they’ll be reading them back to you sooner than you think!
The letters of the alphabet
Because letter names are labels, they do not always represent how each letter sounds, learning the alphabet has little to do with learning to read. Nonetheless, youngsters must learn the alphabet, and the greatest method to do so is via the traditional ABC Song. To begin, just sing it to your kid. Long before infants can recognize the letters, they may memorize it as a song. Later on, while gazing at the letters, you may sing the song.
Tip: If your kid is studying phonics at school, explain a letter using the letter sound rather than the letter name until reading is firmly established.
Sounds associated with letters

There are 26 letters in the alphabet, but 44 phonemes, which may be confusing for youngsters and their instructors (sounds). When teaching youngsters to read, we begin by teaching them how to recognize the sounds that letters make rather than their names. The letter “a” is taught in the same way as the letter “a” is taught in the word “cat.” As in igloo, the letter I produces a /i/ sound. However, the I phoneme, or I sound, may be produced in a variety of ways:
To make things worse, the letter I can also produce additional sounds, such as pint, and when paired with other letters, may produce even more: friend, rain. That’s why we start with the most frequent sounds, such as “a” for cat, “e” for egg, I for igloo, “o” for octopus, and “u” for umbrella. If the image of an owl for the letter ‘o’ appears in an alphabet book, don’t purchase it. The author has no idea what they’re up to.
If you can, teach letter sounds apart from the alphabet to assist youngsters who are beginning to recognize letter sounds (see learning the alphabet). Begin by teaching the sounds alone, without establishing a link to the written letter. For example, what is the first sound in the word “dinosaur”? Play I Spy with letter sounds instead of names. Later, you may use flashcards to display the letter and have your kid make the sound connected with it (although you’ll need to spice this up a little since it’s basically a boring activity).
Also, try to pronounce the phoneme without adding a “uh” at the end. So instead of ‘duh,’ it’s ‘d.’ It’s much easier said than done! Once youngsters are acquainted with the sounds that letters produce, they may break down new words into their component sounds, spell them out, and begin reading!
Phonics and spelling
Once youngsters are comfortable with letter sounds, they may begin to comprehend spelling and how, unfortunately for everyone involved, the way a word sounds does not necessarily correspond to how it is spelled.
There are two kinds of spelling: phonetically reasonable words like dog, cat, or frost, and difficult (official term) words like friend, caught, and gnome. Simple words may be heard out; difficult words cannot and must be memorized.
It’s simple to learn a new word by sounding it out. Individually say the sounds out loud, then say them again with the sounds closer together. You’ll notice that your kid typically guesses the word before they get to the final letter.
He, and, a, to, said, in, he, I, of, it, was, you are among the 100 high frequency terms used by schools. The majority of these are difficult to learn by sight. These words become the first words in a child’s sight lexicon, words that are instantly recognized and do not need sounding out. In Reception classrooms, they are taught alongside phonics (there are further lists for older children).
Spelling is the polar opposite of reading in writing. Encourage your kid to break a word down into its component sounds while attempting to spell it. Segmentation is the term for this. So, in order to spell dog, determine which sound comes first. (c) And after that, what’s next? o.a.d., o.a.d., o.a. As you walk, jot down each sound.

It has been stated that children learn to read until they are seven years old, and then they read to learn. However, the reality is a bit more complicated. Learning to read entails more than simply mechanical phonics decoding and recognition of a few difficult words. Reading is all about grasping the context and comprehending what you’re reading. When the context is known, the meaning of new words may generally be inferred quite well.
Once you’ve mastered the alphabet, spelling, and phonics, and you’ve established a practice of reading to your kid on a regular basis, you may assist them advance their reading comprehension by following these steps:
- Always take a minute to look at the book’s cover. What exactly is it about? What is the name of the author? Is it a novel or a collection of facts? Do you think you’ll like this book?
- After a few pages, ask your kid to make a prediction about what will happen next.
- Discuss the physical features and personalities of the characters in the novel by drawing them.
- If there are any unfamiliar terms in the text, mark them before you start reading so the flow isn’t interrupted too much.
- Take a few important events from the novel and attempt to put them in chronological order (use drawings if you prefer)
- Independent reading should be at the ‘instructional level,’ which means that nine out of ten words should be known. This allows your kid to read fast, comprehend the material without assistance, and deduce the meaning of new words from context. Too many complex words make it tough to understand and depresses the mood.
Last but not least
Of course, learning to read does not stop here. It’s a lifetime endeavor with increasing benefits as you put in more work.
It’s the starting point for all learning. In some ways, once your kid learns to read, they are no longer your child. They have the freedom to select which thoughts to occupy their minds and which experiences to go on. They develop their own identity. Can you think of many presents that are more valuable than that?
The teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons free online is a book that helps parents teach their children how to read. It has 46 pages and is available for free online.