The concept of sustained shared thinking is the idea that children are motivated to think about problems in a group setting. It’s a way for them to learn how to work together and solve problems without being told what to do.
Sustained shared thinking is a term used to describe the process of helping children to learn how to solve problems. The term was created by Lev Vygotsky and it has been implemented in many different ways.
Children benefit from independent play, yet there are moments when only the attention of an interested adult would suffice.
What games do you play with your kid?

Do you sit back and let her play at your feet, or do you get involved?
Both approaches have advantages, but the results may be quite different. As you may be aware, we are strong proponents of autonomous play. It instills in students inventiveness, perseverance, and a can-do attitude.
However, there are instances when playing together is the best option.
The concept of’sustained shared thought,’ as teachers term it, is that learning may be improved when an adult is present. We can assist our children establish connections and create methods to handle things that would otherwise be difficult if we sit with them and pay attention to their needs.
It’s very easy to keep a group of people thinking together for a long time. Play with your kid and pay attention to what he or she says. Don’t jump in the moment you see an issue. Allow her to figure things out on her own. If she gets stuck, pose a question rather than providing an answer.
The important thing is to communicate. Describe your child’s actions. Give her the words to describe actions and things.

‘Oh, you’re placing the blue block on top of the red block,’ says the narrator.
‘I can see how that won’t work out.’
‘Ah! You replaced it with a flat one. They’re now properly stacked!’
‘Wait a minute, your tower is swaying.’ What makes you believe that? We’re going to construct it on the rug. Is it the most suitable surface? Where could we put it so it wouldn’t wobble so much? Is it a hardwood floor? Let’s give it a go!’
This kind of play does not have to be done all of the time. It just takes a few minutes each day. Often, all a kid needs is a little prod to make a new discovery, and then they’re off, playing independently and putting what they’ve learned into practice.
Sustained shared thinking questions are a type of question that help children to problem-solve. They encourage children to think about the situation, and how they can work together to solve it.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an example of sustained shared thinking?
One example of sustained shared thinking is the process of deciding what to do next in a game.
What is sustained shared thinking activities?
A sustained shared thinking activity is a type of classroom activity where students work together to solve a problem.