Grimm’s Gift Guide is a blog that provides gift ideas for the holidays and special occasions.
Grimm’s is a catalog that offers a wide range of gifts for children. There are many products to choose from, and they have been reviewed by parents and kids alike.
Grimm’s toys are simple to enjoy. The vibrant colors, natural feel, and limitless game possibilities. But where do you begin? It may be difficult to make a decision while making your first buy.
Much depends on the toys you already have. You’ll need a set of blocks as well as some figurines. Aside from that, you can be certain that all of the items listed below will make excellent additions to your collection.
One of the best things about Grimm’s toys is that they’re suitable for both toddlers and five-year-olds, but if you need additional advice, we’ve included age guidelines at the bottom of this article. If you can’t wait any longer, check out our selection of the greatest Grimm’s toys.

The Sunset Rainbow is the newest addition to the Grimm’s collection. It is basically the traditional rainbow in reverse, with 10 parts instead of the customary twelve. The Sunset Rainbow is not only stunning in its own right, but it is also very adaptable. It may be stacked or stretched out like a tunnel, and it’s perfect for teaching basic arithmetic principles.
The blue arches are more useful in small world play since they are on the exterior. Check out the previous post to discover how they may be transformed into waterfalls.
Nothing compares to the power of blocks. There isn’t a more adaptable or long-lasting toy on the market, and there are many variations to pick from. Grimm’s is known for its rainbow colors, but natural-finish bricks have a place in every toy collection. It’s easy to get carried away by the beauty of colored blocks and believe they’re the primary attraction (which they can sometimes be). However, they often serve just to set the stage for small-world activity, and it is here that the benefits of naturally-finished blocks become apparent. They provide a distraction-free environment for your work while also being stunning in their own right. See our Guide to Blocks for additional information on how to get the most out of block play and assistance in selecting the ideal set.
Natural Geo Blocks assist to bring the picture to life by softening the harsh lines of the Giant Building Blocks. Imagine how perplexing this mountain would be if it were made up of brilliantly colored bits.
‘Trees’ from Baby Bear’s woodland home, the Mixed Forest.
The blocks’ natural finish goes nicely with pastel colors.
The first set, Grimm’s Pastel Cube, is fantastic. Little hands will love manipulating and stacking 4cm x 4cm blocks. This is the one to purchase if you’re looking for anything for a kid aged six to eighteen months. You may be tempted to use the smaller Geo Blocks pieces, but their lower surface area makes them more difficult to position and balance.
Friendship with the rainbow
These, together with the 12-piece rainbow, are the classic Grimm’s toys. These peg people have a basic, classic form that makes them easy to grasp in tiny hands, and their expressionless faces are strangely pleasant and peaceful. Even older youngsters, who are used to playing with more complex figures, are delighted to incorporate them in their activities.
Placing, positioning, and posting play is a big part of what infants and toddlers do. Your rainbow buddies will spend more time being dumped into holes and carried in baskets than they will being utilized in small world play. It’s one of the many reasons they’re such a popular and adaptable toy.
Each buddy is dyed separately, giving it a distinct cap and neckline.
Automobiles, buses, and trains

For many youngsters, toddlerhood kicks off a lifelong love affair with automobiles. But what is the allure? Children’s play is frequently controlled by the’schemas’ they are interested in, especially before the age of three. A schema is a movement pattern that a kid repeats again and over in order to better comprehend a phenomena. A youngster exploring the rotation schema, for example, will become fascinated with all objects that spin. They’ll love watching the washing machine spin, holding a pinwheel, and whirling on the grass until they fall over.
Vehicle enthusiasts are interested in the following schemas: trajectory (the vehicle’s path), transportation (whether it can carry items), rotation (the wheels), engulfing (driving through tunnels), and placement (lining vehicles up). More information about these schemas may be found here. Vehicles, on the other hand, push a lot of buttons for a two-year-old.
However, don’t expect a Grimm’s vehicle to remain in perfect condition if you purchase it for a child. Scuff marks will appear on vehicles launched from tables or driven into walls since Grimm’s uses unpolished wood. Fortunately, this imparts a battle-hardened aspect to the vehicles, which are otherwise very durable. They also roll extremely smoothly, making them incredibly enjoyable to play with. You won’t be able to bend the axle by pushing down on it, as is common with inexpensive die-cast vehicles. Take a look at the red truck below for an example of the kind of markings that are common – a few of black lines on the bumper from collisions, and some lighter lines on top. It’s hardly visible, but it’s something to think about if you want to maintain them spotless.
Turn vehicle play into a narrative by adding some people.
A pickup truck is a dream come true for anybody looking to expand their mobility options.
If your Grimm’s collection is too colorful, add a set of black vehicles to balance it out.
Towers with conical tops
For good reason, the stacking tower is the most popular toy for children under the age of one. Picking up and putting down, placing and repositioning are all part of life these days. It’s about this time when large motor motions, like utilizing the whole arm, begin to be coordinated with fine motor movements, like isolating fingers.
Babies have very little control over their movements while they are young. They do a lot of things out of habit. Place your finger in their palm, and their hand closes around it. After a few months, they are able to open and shut their hands at will, as well as pick up and drop objects – which was not always simple at first!
It takes a lot of expertise to properly stack a ring on the post, and it might take another year for the rings to be stacked in the correct sequence.
When selecting a tower, you must choose between two basic kinds of bases: flat or rounded. Those with a flat base are more sturdy and easier to stack, but they’re also considerably more hazardous if they’re knocked over (an important consideration when there are wobbly toddlers in the room). The round-bottomed towers are safer to build, but they are more difficult to stack. Choose a shaky one if you’re planning to keep it on the floor. On a low child’s table, the flat-based towers are ideal.
The pieces may be stacked without utilizing the post at all for full peace of mind by just stacking them one on top of the other.
Which do you prefer: flat-bottomed or wobbly?
Stacking isn’t the only use for towers. Explore your options and discover what more you can do with them. They’ll also roll wonderfully when turned on their side.
Boards for construction

Building boards, which we’ve long thought were lacking from the Grimm’s collection, have finally come. We like Grimm’s blocks, but they have one major drawback: their length. Only a few blocks are long enough to produce the sort of span needed for a bridge or a large entryway. That issue has now been resolved thanks to the building boards. They also work well as marble and car ramps.
Using building boards, you may scale up your structures.
Bowls and boxes that are nested
Nested toys are an easy way to introduce early arithmetic concepts.
Babies discover that certain things fit into holes while others do not. They’re learning to distinguish between large and tiny. The next step is to arrange three items in the following order: tiny, medium, and large; huge, larger, and largest. Consider the porridge bowls or seats used by the Three Bears.
Nested toys are fantastic because they teach seriation, or the concept of organizing things based on attributes like as height or length. You may learn to order 10 or even twelve things (if you’re using a rainbow) instead of small, medium, and big. They are referred to as ‘didactic’ materials. This implies they are able to educate you without the assistance of an adult. Playing with the toy is enough to teach you the idea.
It’s much simpler to grasp how numbers operate if you realize how stacking toys must be done in a certain sequence. (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), The sequence is always the same.
Grimm’s stacked toy collection is vast, and they’re all stunning. You may select from a wide range of designs and colors, including rainbows, bowls, boxes, and waves.
There are many applications for nested boxes. They may be reused as construction blocks or even storage after they’ve lost their utility as teaching aids for seriation.
These penguins have a cozy home in nested cagers or a parking garage for automobiles.
Elegant towers are created by stacking upturned nested bowls. If you choose with a natural finish, look for some lovely wood grain.
The waterwaves of Grimm
The outer arches of the Sunset Rainbow are visible here, along with elements from the waterwaves set.
The greatest feature of Grimm’s toys is their adaptability. Many of your blocks will make their way into your basket of blocks and be integrated into tiny world play after they’ve outlived their original function.
Here are some age-appropriate suggestions. They aren’t fixed in stone since most Grimm’s toys are appropriate for children of all ages. Keep in mind that smaller children may struggle to use the larger parts, and constructing complex nested toys like the Waterwaves would be difficult.
36 cubes, nested bowls, stacking towers, Rainbow Friends, bus (6-12 months)
Rainbow Friends, 6-piece rainbows, geo blocks, vehicles and trucks, and Rainbow Friends for children aged 1 to 3 years
Larger sets of blocks, stacked toys, boards, and semicircles for children aged 3 to 5.
The best age for grimms rainbow is a toy that can be used to teach children about colors. It has a large number of colorful rings that are connected by strings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why are Grimms toys so expensive?
Unfortunately, the cost of producing these toys is very high due to their complex design.
Are Grimms toys worth the money?
I dont know.
Why are Grimms toys so popular?
The toys are popular because they are so unique, and they have a level of detail that is unlike any other toy on the market.