The Get Set Five! is a new toy that helps children get ready for school by practicing their spelling and handwriting skills. This innovative product comes with five letters, each representing a different skill.
The Get Set Five! is a new toy that has 100 different toys in one. It’s perfect for getting ready for school and the holidays! Read more in detail here: 100 toys.
Do you have a child in preschool? Would you want to assist them in developing some important skills before the start of school in September? What a great feeling it is to go in on the first day and feel like you belong.
I receive emails from parents nearly every day on this subject, and I’m always glad to assist, but I now believe I could better serve you by compiling all of the facts in one spot.
I’m releasing a course called Get Set Five! next week.
It has nothing to do with being first or last. It’s all about nailing the fundamentals in a relaxed and enjoyable manner. Consider how learning to draw a stick man may help your kid learn to write her name, or how putting socks together can assist with early arithmetic.

Those were the words I penned early last year, shortly before COVID hit. Life, as you might imagine, got in the way.
But I’m happy to report that Get Set Five! has returned.
As a busy mom, I’m sure you’re in the same boat as me: you don’t have time to complete a full course. As a result, Get Set Five! was created as a weekly email series. Each email will focus on a new subject, with a focus on having fun while learning via play. I’d want it to be something you look forward to and complete. Because my youngest is a preschooler, we will be doing the course together.
Consider Get Set Five to be a meal planner: once a week, you’ll get an email with a dish to test at home. There are no resources to purchase and no complex set-ups, and everything arrives in reasonable portions. At home, you already have everything you need. Simply read the email and get started.
The subjects build on each other, so that by the time your kid enters school, she will have acquired all of the necessary abilities.

I am a firm believer in the power of repetition. I’ve known since I was a teacher that the secret to learning is to do little and frequently. Making time and space for regular practice is critical, and Get Set Five will teach you how to do it without feeling obligated. Every activity should begin with the expectation that your kid will be able to finish it independently. Of course, this isn’t always feasible; you’ll need to be engaged at times. But I understand you’re busy, and the most important thing is that you do your tasks.
Because perfect is never achieved, done is preferable to perfect.
It costs £2 each week and lasts a year. You may also get a lifetime membership for £49, which is a saving of almost 50%.
Get ready for Set Five! comes with a no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. Within the first 30 days, email me for a complete refund, no questions asked.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions. It doesn’t matter whether it’s good or terrible; it’s all welcome. I’m attempting to make the course as good as possible.
The grapat loose parts is a toy that helps children learn how to put together their own puzzles. It comes with pieces for five different puzzles, and the pieces are interchangeable so you can create your own puzzle.